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Redmi note 9 pro speaker problem solution

    Redmi note 9 pro speaker problem solution: Are you a xiaomi smartphone user and you are facing speaker problem in your smartphone and you don’t know how to solve solve this problem then don’t worry iam hear i will help you in solving this problem.

    Mostly people face the speaker problem because of water damage, when our smartphone comes in contact with water in that time the water molecules stuck inside our smartphone speaker and they block our speaker and this creates the problem.

    How to fix it

    Solution no 1.

    Restart your smartphone: Sometimes this also works, if there is any little problem like system ui crash or failure then it can be easily solved just by restarting the smartphone.

    Solution no 2.

    • Go to settings of your redmi 9 smartphone.
    • Search additional settings and click on it.
    • Scroll down and click on clear speaker.
    • Now turn on it for 5 – 10 minutes.

    Solution no 3.

    Play this video/ video sound for 5 to 10 minutes: This video which link i have given its sound is an ultrasonic sound. You have to play to for 5 to 10 minutes and it will eject the water from your smartphone and your problem will be solved.

    In solution no 2 there also you find similar sound but sometimes it doesn’t work properly so you can try it also.

    Solution no 4.

    Take some isopropyl alcohol and dip it into a soft brush, now use that brush to clean the outer part of your smartphone speaker. Generally whether because of water damage or because of present of dart and dust particles inside your speaker. Dirt, dust or water whatever it is when these particles stuck inside the speaker they block the sound. When you clean it properly it will solve your problem.

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