Moto Z3 black screen of death, black screen problem solution

Moto Z3 black screen of death solution: When you turn on your smart phone but it won’t reasons and the screen turns black it’s really irritating. Hello to all my motorola smart phone user friends hope you all doing well, if you are facing black screen issue on your moto z3 device then read the article this will definitely help you in solving your problem.

Why black screen problem happens

  • Phone been exposed to extreme heat.
  • Software glitch.
  • Loose of lcd connection in phone.
  • System error.
  • Due to water damage.

Learn how to fix moto z3 black screen of death

To fix the issue there are several trick’s, try the tricks which will suitable for your phone.

Dry your phone

If you are facing the black screen issue because of water damage then try this, keep your phone inside of a rice bag or keep it in sunlight for some couple of hours this will fix your issue.

Press your power button repeatedly

Connect your charger to your smart phone and tab on the power button repeatedly, if your power button is stucked due to some thing then it will fix it.

Press your phone screen

Press your smart phone screen from every side with your two fingers like massaging and keep tapping on your screen after it press and hold your power button and when you see motorola logo release your button.

Check your lcd connection

Open your smart phone with the help of any professional and check your lcd connection if it is loosed or damage then fix it or replace it.

Hope this trick has help you in fixing your black screen issue and if it doesn’t then please check your phone in any authorised motorola service care near your locality they will definitely help you in fixing this issue.

Okadtech – Moto Z3 black screen of death, black screen problem solution

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