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Moto g7 sound problem/ speaker not working problem solution

    Moto g7 sound problem/ speaker not working problem solution

    Moto g7 sound problem/ speaker not working problem solution; If your smart phone speaker doesn’t work or if it works but sound is too low, even it can’t be able to listen then read the article this will help you in fixing your problem.

    Why this problem happens

    • Speaker get dirty due to stuck of unwanted particles on it.
    • Software glitch, software failure.
    • Speaker is blocked due to water Insertion.
    • Smart phone stucked on headphone mode.

    How to fix moto g7 sound problem/ speaker not working problem

    Restart your smart phone

    Some people face the problem just because of software glitch. So the first thing you should do is, try to restart your phone when the phone restarts it refreshes the software.

    Headphone is not unplugged from your smart phone

    Sometimes this happens, when you unplug your headphone from your device and even after unplugging the headphone it still shows you that your headphone is connected and the phone is in headphone mode. This happens because of system fail on your smart phone. To fix this you have to reboot your phone or you can download any app to disable your headphone mode.

    Use high sound on your phone

    Download a app sonic sound wave generator from google play store and use it in high settings this app produces sounds waves in high frequency which will help you in fixing the water damaged speaker problem.

    Clean your smart phone speaker

    If your smart phone speaker is blocked due to external dust or dirt then clean it these particles block your speaker and cause problems. Take it to any professional and tell him to clean it.

    Take professional help

    Tried all these things but can’t able to fix, if you are in this situation then you may probably have some internal issue in your smart phone like, you need to replace your speaker. So better take it to any professional or motorola care they will help you in this.

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